
Who am I after a year ?

After I sat down for a few minutes,it was difficult for me to get up. Did my body gain weight or my legs got weak ? But I wasn’t looking for an answer rather for some water coz I just finished pooping. Once the needful was done,I grabbed my phone and saw that little icon at the end of the gallery of icons in my phone. WordPress. Capital W and capital P. Sounds like wet pussy. Yeah,mind’s been fucking dirty since I got a lifetime free high speed VPN. If you want, I can give you one but don’t blame me later for being a dirty motherfucker. It’s been more than a year since I wrote something that puts “ting” in “interes”. Oh well,not entirely true though. I wrote some juicy love letters and some dirty letters are still work in progress. Other than that,I did plenty of work on YouTube. I meant I uploaded 90 videos. Mainly cycling and motorbike vlogs. Got 80 subscribers. Success!

Why am I telling you some epic shit you don’t wanna read,right ? Okay,let’s talk some boring shit you would wanna read and be fucking proud of me. So I stopped writing. I felt like it was time to retire or maybe there wasn’t any problem in life to write about. I could write about others’ problems but you know you can’t talk to others about their problems coz they already know I don’t really give a guck about their gucking issue. After my retirement,I felt like,the world out there is probably missing out the knowledge I was transferring before. Ahh I’m sleepy. I will write tomorrow. Goodnight.

I’m about to sleep. It’s 1.51am. I didn’t wanna write today but who gives a fuck what you want. La la la la la la. Okay,I’m up. I must write. Ah yeah,the topic was meant to be “how to motivate yourself ”, because I didn’t write anything for a year and now I’m writing so I would like to share my secret with you. I don’t think and write. I write first and then I think. So whatever you have read so far is pure unedited raw stuff.

It’s been two days since I open Wet Pussy. WP. WordPress. Gonna right then. Motivation. I need some motivation. Maybe 350gram of motivation. Mo-mo-mo-mo-motivation. Need for motivation. NFM. Fuck this finger. I’m gonna type some shit today and there will be some progress in the article. I think, you know what,I believe rather,I’m fucking motivated. Hey,my fellow readers, I believe this is the right way to get motivated to write something. Call me a romantic, coz I’m in love. With writing. Right now,right here. Call me Fatboy slim,bitch.

What is my motivation factor ? Why am I writing some discombobulating article on motivation ? No one is going to read this. This article I’m writing is not going to motivate any living being or dead ones in next 100 years but while there is life,there is hope. Call me Stephen Hawking,bitch. I don’t have a motivation factor tbh. Tbh is short for to be honest. If I don’t have a motivation factor,why am I writing then ? Well one reason is,I wanna impress some girls and secondly,why the fuck not ? If I can eat 9 times a day, why not write 9 lines a day. Call me Sir Dinanath endua. He was our class teacher who had a quote printed in our text book which said, if you can remember to eat,you can remember to do your homework. What the fuck is his motivation factor or rather, problem ?

If the sweet life is fucking your ass every once in a while without any excuse,I dont think you need an excuse to fuck something up and slap a miracle on the face of the fucking people every once in a while. Call me,THE SIR SAGZ. You already know who the fuck he is. Ok,I will write tomorrow.

Two days later. We are still rolling with motivation. I don’t care how many days it’s gonna take me to finish this article,but I will finish it on its fucking face. During the past two days,I didn’t get a minute to write anything,thanks to the fucking demotivating friends. It was the weekends if you are wondering. I didn’t even do anything special on the weekends. Just played game,watched movies and had a date night. After all,I’m 50% human and rest 50% ? Inhumane. You know what they say, if you want to do something special or achieve something extraordinary,you have to be an animal. ANIMAL. I’m an animal. Call me Alex ! From Madagascar. Got it ? If you didn’t,no one can motivate you mi amigo. Santa Maria,adios muchacho. I think I know that much Spanish. Quite interesting funny article it is,but I hope you are getting my point here. All the movie references or people I mentioned,they are my motivation. I don’t get motivated seeing a poor guy struggling and reaching success on his own,rather by a chameleon bringing a huge rattlesnake to death. So find your G-spot. See what triggers your animal side. See what can make you a motherfucking beast. Call me Rob Bailey! The article is already more than 699 words. Let’s wrap it up.

The moral of the story is : I wrote this piece of anecdote after a year and I got self-motivated to do so without any motivating factor. I just want to keep writing with the hope that someday people are going to worship my picture in their homes. Not expecting anything more nor less than that. Planning to build a website for my articles that shows things that you never think of. What do you think about this idea ? Namaste !

Love the way you hurt me baby

Why do we hurt ourselves purposefully ? Is it fun for us ? Have you ever been in love ? What the fuck is love ? I’m drunk. I had three pegs of Bacardo limoni but I’m still writing, is that called Love ?  If love is so fucking miraculously beautiful, why the fuck is it hurting me ? Did I say me ? I meant you. Who are you ? What is your definition ? ok, who the fuck are you ? Fuck you. Fuck me too. Fuck your father. Fucking I hate everyone. Why do I hate everyone ? Is that crazy ? What is crazy ? Is it ok to be crazy ? How crazy can I be ? Is it crazy if I love someone and crave for her all the time ? Is that normal ? Who the fuck is normal ? is it crazy to be normal ? Why do I have to love someone ? Can I not spend my beautiful life without loving someone ? Is it important to love someone ? What if no one loves me ? What is love ? Did I ask myself twice ?

ok, it’s two days later now. I’m drunk again. This time it’s milk. So the cow gave milk and I drank it. Just warmed up the milk and added some energy booster in it. If I think a little deeper, this milk isn’t really for me,is it ? The cow gave milk for her son or daughter,I stole her milk and drank it, Is the calf upset now ? or angry ? How would you feel if I steal your mommy’s milk,warm it up,add a little flavoured energy booster in it and drink it while watching cartoon ? Are you gonna be mad ? Will you be hurt ? Yeahhh probably. Is that what HURT means ? Ok, one more time, what about the cow ? Is she hurt that I’m not her son and I’m drinking her milk ? I think she is upset. What about my effort here ? I gave food to the cow and she enjoyed eating those delicious food. Is it too much to ask to a cow ? Just a glass of milk for a bucket full of food ? Ok, I think we are getting to my point. One more time,Let’s say the cow gave me milk and she is really happy with it coz she is getting yummy food in return of that,but I do not like the milk the cow gave me. Now, I’m upset coz the milk is not delicious or not upto my expectation. Is my sadness justifiable ? Am I allowed to be sad or angry on the cow ? What would the society say here ? I really gave very delicious healthy food to the cow and the cow is so happy with what she got from me. Now, she is not delivering as per my expectation. I’m so fucking mad now. Answer me brutally if I should not be angry on the cow ?

Ok, now let’s replace the cow with the girl I love and replace me with a sexier me. So let’s say, I gave really good love,attention and care to this girl and she is happy. I’m happy as well because it feels so good when you give someone something,doesn’t it ? When the payback time is there, she is giving me back less than I was expecting. Question to the board of secretaries, am I wrong to be upset or angry ? Board of secretary : What the guck is your expectation ? Did she give you time and attention ? Thesirsagz : Yes she did and to answer your question about my expectation, I really don’t know why I’m feeling like that even if I’m getting stuff in return. The only problem I see here is I have set really high standards and normal people ain’t gonna be able to touch that. Just like the milk form the cow, it’s not delicious. I mean the love I’m getting is not delicious. It could be,but society is gonna restrict me from making the love delicious. Fukk you. Ok, So I’m wrong to ask more stuff coz I’m not happy with the payback or whatever that fuck is ? I think I’m wrong coz everyone has their own limit of giving. Some can give awful lot and some cannot. Should I be begging for more coz I’m not happy with that ? Fuxk you boi. Never beg. So what should I do if I’m not happy ? I should fuzk off ? I don’t want to. I do not know what to do in this scenario. Only if fuckking human beings were as simple as a cow. I could just taste the milk before I buy a new cow. Here in this human beings case, I dont think I can get a new girl after testing her love first. Fuckingg creatures. They will love you only when you give them stuff and then they will fuvking give you a lecture on unconditional love.

Anyway, I’m not tired yet gonna sleep now.  This post was just for exercising my brain. Not a solution for any problem or maybe the solution is hidden in those questions. If you think I wasted your time with this post, then fuxk you too.

I’m unreasonable and superficial but I think asking for some more time a day is not a crime,not a deal breaker,not a DEMAND and justifiable. I’m done,I’m leaving now,board of secretary. Fuxxxk your own ass.



The below article might hurt the feelings of sexy,slim,fat,ugly,weirdly shaped,bosseyed,newborns,normal, average,old,young,adult,animal lover,games lover,studious,doctors,lawyers, engineers, smart, stupid, despicable,arrogant,etc etc types of people. If you are one of them,I strongly suggest you go through the article just to understand why you still can’t stop reading. Better grab some of my under wears to wipe your tears away if you are sensitive to others’ remarks and stuff. Don’t worry I don’t wear underwear. Now,let’s get inside.

Few days ago, actually few months ago,I was rejected,strongly rejected,right on my face by a woman I would not consider physically attractive or anything to me.We are taught not to judge people by their looks. Yes I have revised it to,Don’t judge someone by their looks if they have done or are still doing something really worthy of not getting judged. Sounds sweet ? Exactly. So does this mean we can judge someone who is ugly and just doing his/her job and living his/her selfish life ? Ah maybe not if they are just minding their own business and not causing any trouble. So what if he/she is handsome/beautiful/ugly and irritating everyone all day everyday ? yea, you gotta fuck ’em with some cheap flavourless condoms.

Sorry for the off-topic content in the beginning,I was probably thinking about this girl I was talking on tinder. She had a war with me because I told her I want a virgin gf. So what exactly is body shaming ? Who can do body shaming ? You know what,body shaming is a long word,let’s just shorten it to BS. Ok, sergeant. Can I BS you ? Can you BS me ? Can your mom BS you ? What about your grandpa ? Can you BS an elephant ? Should we have a lesson about BS in school ? How much fat or slimness qualify to be BS’d ? why should one BS someone ? Is there any merit or demerit of doing so ? How to get better at bodyshaming ? Who are the top bodyshamers in Pakistan right now ? Do they BS the hostages ? Do the hostages BS the terrorists when the terrorists ask them for their last wishes ? Do they really ask for a last wish ?

How did this word even come up ? I think something like this might have happened in the past,like Hitler was five,he was playing football and as a goalkeeper,he failed to catch the ball when Ronaldo kicked the ball swiftly. His team lost the game and when Hitler’s dad asked him about the game,he was so ashamed that he could not speak anything. His father scolded him really badly for wasting time and not working on their nazi plans. He was so furious that he tried to squeeze his balls but he could find only one ball so got even angrier and called him one-baller. Hitler being in pain,said,“ahhh you fat nazi wth a fat ass.” His father,with tears in his eyes,said,“Son,did you just insult my body ? Now I’m ashamed of my body. It isn’t cool,Son.” Yea, I think that’s exactly how the “bodyshame” word was born.

So apparently if you ask someone to exercise to live a healthy life,is considered offensive and some people even define it as bodyshaming. Once a girl reported me on instagram for that reason and later blocked me. All I told her was instead of working on your face with colours,how about working on your body with weights ? Now I’m sentenced to being called a bodybullier,what the fuck is that ? Exactly. If that is bodyshaming, then what is,saying you are fat ? Probably some kind of sin and explicitly written about it in the bible ? I think making any kind of remark to someone’s body is bodyshaming. Calling a girl beautiful is bodyshaming ? if she does not get shamed,then it isn’t probably bodyshaming. So if you rudely tell a girl that she is fat and she is not ashamed of it,then it’s not bodyshaming,sir. So yea you need to bodyshame a female or a male person or even a goat first,just to know whether you bodyshamed or not. So should you BS ? I don’t know. Think about the merits and demerits of doing so,that will help you decide whether you should BS or not. Hint : if it is a lying bf or gf or even your lying kid,bodyshame the fuck outta that bitch.

Is there really any benefit of bodyshaming anyone ? Spiderman thinks so. Thanos does not think so. Didn’t Thor BS Thanos ? Hulk didn’t say anything though and now we know why. There isn’t any benefit except it feels nice doing so. Doesn’t it ? I mean what other benefit is there ? It’s not like you will call your dad a fatman and next day he will be batman and you will find him on your nearby telephone tower looking for the bat signal. Nobody is going to the gym or working out if you call them fat or thin. If they are happy with being fat,then let them be. There is a BBW category of porn,watch that,maybe you will want a fat gf. Well then demerit of BS’ing could be….Mmmmmmmmm I don’t know,maybe they will squeeze your neck as well as your balls if you have any. So BS from a safe distance,kids. Some fat kids may get upset and eat even more. Yea it is demotivating and nobody really wants to hear it unless he is a Sumo fighter. Yes, bodyshaming is fucking wrong. I think the only person who should be allowed to BS is someone who is really fat and has earned a certificate or a licence to BS. If you ain’t got that,do not do it. Do not say whatever the fuck comes in your mind. Ok,the previous line was for me but that’s applicable for you too.

Just do it in your mind aloud. What you looking at,fat elephant ? That did not come out of my mouth. Maybe from your gf/bf’s mouth.

Adios Muchachos !

Come Outta your fucking closet already

This article might hurt the feelings of myself,my friends,my ex friends,my ex gfs,my ex gf’s new bf,my ex gf’s new crush,movie stars,the government,the fucking disgusting people,the fat people,the ugly girls and boys,the gays and the firemen coz I’m fucking putting out the fire these bitches lit. A lot of girls might not like me after reading it. So fuck you in advance. Read at your own risk,bitch. This article isn’t directed at any individual, ex,friend or family or even race.

Do people change or they don’t ? It’s not even a fucking question. Well,the answer is,they just show you their fucking ugly face after years of masking. Okay then what the fucking question is ? Should we allow ourselves to fall in love ? Do we even have the control over it ? Can you train your brain and heart when to fall in love and with who ? What the fuck is a crush ? How long do we need to wait before we express our love ? What to do when it is rejected ? What to do when your love is accepted but not appreciated ? Should you be falling in love with your friend ? Should you be willing to risk everything for a moment of that fucking gay feeling ? Why are we all fucking fragile ? Can you be fragile but not sensitive ? Can you fucking break someone even if you don’t want to ? Can you be a motherfucking bitch to someone even if you think you are not ? Can you be a target of a serial killer ? Can you provocate someone to be a killer ? How deep these feelings can go ? Can you hurt someone you love ? Why do we fucking get rejected from shit people who are not even close to our calibre ? Why do we crave for someone who is not even worth of it ? Are you waiting for the fucking answers ? If you are a broken soul,I would suggest you to go listen to my podcast and findout how a crying man got his way out to happiness. Oh well if you are fat and lazy,just scroll and read.

Love is way too pure for this mothersucking fucking people of earth. Maybe aliens have true love. But not here. I don’t think anyone should fall in love on this earth. It won’t last unless you both are totally disconnected from this world. The end result is heartbreak or even worse. Some even commit suicide. These bastard bitches and the shit men don’t even know what they really want. You give them a pair of diamonds and they would be chasing some ball of shit like a fucking dirty beetle. Well if it is your first time to fall in love,go for it,after the fucking pain maybe you will excel at something. The fat fucks won’t excel at anything though coz of their fucking laziness. God,I miss my Polish ex gf,she had a hot body and was so fucking hard working. My fucking childishness couldn’t handle such a great woman.

We don’t have control over our fucking feelings otherwise we would be happy all the time. Get it ? Yea the orgasms. Fuck me if I’m wrong. I won’t even ask for money. But I think I have better control over my feelings than other people. I have fallen in love countless times. I learnt something new everytime. This fucking pain everytime I earned made me stronger. I got over my last love in 3 days. Maybe for the next love,I will get over her in a day. It would be difficult to get over if the love is mutual. But these fucking one sided love has no shit in it that would stink for months. You can’t control the fucking feelings. Getting hurt is natural. Just accept this fucking shit and write shit about it. Boyfriend/girlfriend shame everyone and fucking yourself. Do whatever the fuck makes you happy and hurt fucking bitches and shit men. In the end,still be a nice person. Yes,you can be disgusting and nice and pleasant to hang out with.

What if you are way too deep in love with someone and the other person has no idea about it. I have done this. If you haven’t,just say the fuck out. Holding it in will hurt yourself and nothing else. People don’t say stuff they have in their mind and heart,if I have a gun,I will fucking shoot these people in their nipples. I have decided not to hide any shit this year. If I hate you,I’m fucking saying it straight to your fucking small irregular shaggy boobs. There is a chance that your proposal will be accepted or fucking disrespectfully rejected and make you a killer. So if you are a fucking pussy,then probably you won’t be a threat to society. Just cry for months and die everyday. I don’t accept rejection. No,ain’t no way someone would fucking reject me. Fuck you bitch if you think you can find someone better than me. You won’t. I have seen the new bfs of my ex gf’s and all. Yea you disappoint me. Anyway,all my ex gf’s and friends I fell for,they look uglier as the time passes by whereas I’m getting hotter everyday. Well,I just spit on myself,your curse won’t work on me,bitch.

Even if you think you are doing the right thing,rejecting someone’s immense love, doesn’t make you a bad person. It makes you a bitch. A fat fucking bitch or a fat ugly gay man. Why gay ? Coz you rejected some girl’s love,that makes you gay in my book. But if it must be rejected,learn the right way to do it. Dont fucking say it to someone’s face that it ain’t gonna happen ever. Should you be dating your friend ? Probably a thousand times Yes. Who else knows you better than your best friend ? I bet your fucking parents have no idea what you do throughout the day and even worse is nobody knows what the fuck you do at night. Only your friend knows what goes on with you in the darkness. Give them a chance. You maybe surprised to find out even another better side of them. I didn’t get a chance to date my best friend. That will be my greatest regret in this life. Ahhh well fuck it. I’m better off alone.

I would rather love my bike.

El solo lobo❤️


All I see is Misery

In these days of sexual predators, I thought I had found someone who I like emotionally as well.But few days ago,I was rejected. My feelings were rejected. My love was unappreciated and fucking rejected. I won’t blame anyone. It’s ok. That’s how life gives you energy to do something better. It’s ok. I’m ok. Time made me forget some shit. But it taught me another lesson which I cannot accept still. Lets not use the word accept,call it understand. I still don’t understand how. You spend so much time together without getting bored and enjoy the little talks. The little things we do for each other to show off our love and care,never get old. But people do. They get old. Their priorities change. Their taste in people changes. It’s not even about being friend-zoned. Trust me I can’t be any kind of zoned. Straight to your face. Right from my inside. No hiding. No lying. Just so brutally honest. That would explain why I like being alone. But I gave her what I was afraid of. Everyone likes being told a certain amount of lie to them in a sophisticated way that won’t hurt them rather bring a smile on their faces. Anyway,I don’t lie. So fuck you.

Few days later,I was still shedding fucking tears even though I was no longer interested to talk to anyone. Not even her. You won’t talk to someone you showed your inside and get treated like an ordinary option if you have enough respect and self-esteem for yourself. Well,sometimes love supercedes all these stuffs and makes you equivalent to a poor homeless kid searching for food and shelter in a dark cold night. Takes way too much mental strength to stop yourself from going into that beautiful cave of immense pain. Fuck me then. Fuck you Sagar. Get your shit right. Why are you not able to get up from bed now ? You used to get up at 5 and be there on the mountain fucking the shit out of you. What the fucking fuck has happened to you ? Fucking bitch. Answer me. Then I said,give me two days of time.

Two days later,I’m fucking standing on the mountain and two hours later riding my MTB bike at more than 20kph AVG speed. My world was upside down. Now it’s downside is up. Everything’s back to crazy. I do not want to get close to the fire that burnt me for days and nights during these summer days. I don’t even want to give fuel to the fire anymore now it can die on it’s own or it can get help from its new source it has got for the past few months. If everything’s so good,why the fuck are you so angry then ? I’m angry because I lost something which would be really hard to get again in this life. Anyway,fuck that shit. How’s your song going ? Writing any new one ?

I was riding my bike. All I could imagine was the intense pain I went through for a few days. First,she liked me,did not tell me and it’s my fault. Then I liked her and told her,again my fault. Well,in her defence,she did not ask me to want her that way even though she gave awful lot of provocation. I’m not here to find fault. But she should not have led me that way at all if she didn’t have any intention to have something meaningful with me however short. Maybe she just enjoyed watching me beg for her. Well there is Karma. Fuck that shit then. I’m slowly recovering. In a couple of days,I will be the love doctor again.

So back to the first sentence,I was riding my bike with a heart full of pain,I saw a family. They were standing beside the road. A father,a wife and a little kid. Their home was all set on the back of an old cycle. A big bag containing their valuables. The mom was carrying the child. The father was holding the bike. And there I just lost my whole pain. What the fuck is my pain that I’m crying for ? Who the fuck am I to feel sorry for myself ? If they can get up every morning with holes in their clothes and no food in their bag,why the fuck can’t I ? Learnt a life changing lesson right there. Made me realise what kind of fucking bitch you can become if you get motherfucking feelings for someone. Why is it that if your love is not appreciated or rejected,makes you feel like everything is wrong. Everything’s so cold. Feels like you can’t breathe. You are choking on your own pain. I don’t know the answer,but if I ever feel this way again, I know what to think of next.

A family with a home on the back of an old cycle with a smile on their faces. ❤️

A letter to remember

Dear Remmy,

Thanks for sending me such a long letter and I appreciate your patience for writing a lovely letter to someone who you never met. I could have made a rap song instead of writing a letter to you. Then I would have to explain the song to you. Anyway, I’m replying to your gay letter. I do not like calling anyone by their name or being called by my name. Afraid of getting feelings. Anyway, if you didn’t know,that’s the name I wanted for you.

First thing first,thank you for being such a valuable friend to me for one and half a year. I guess that’s the longest I have ever been close with someone. I
shared almost everything with you except a bed and my food. I have no doubt saying that you know me better than anyone in this world. That includes my ex GFS and my parents. I shared my vision and dreams with you. Even if you do not agree with my method of living and doing things, I appreciate you listening to them during the hours when you should be dreaming. I will not appreciate if you steal my ideas.

You have helped me during my distress time like a pod from space. If I’m living happily and without thinking once about my past, I owe to you. Thanks for just listening to my angry self and sad self. You have somehow helped me maintain my impish glee even though there were a lot of things bothering me. I do not think I will be able to repay you anyhow. Thank you for giving me your time and energy,being my personal psychiatrist. I was getting deviated from my true destiny, you might not agree but right now I’m on the right path. Even though I do not need your help anymore, I would like you to be my friend in the coming days,my pod-turned-to-close-friend.

Time’s been running faster since the day you witnessed the big surprise on the first call. I never thought I would get a second call from you. I was surprised as well. I would force you to get married to me if you were slim since I always took much interest in your life getting to know your salary and your savings. I always thought of you being a rich gal as you do not pay rent and party much.

I have been too hard on you most of the time. I know that. Normal people won’t be able to take that. So appreciate me for making you stronger than being gay. I’m sorry if I picked on you a lot. I like being alone. But it definitely felt better being with you and seeing your dog and your delish foods. Enjoyed the early morning walk on your beach at your hometown and the ride on your dad’s girlish bike. I will definitely remember everything for a long time. I be telling my friends the little stories about you. It was really a beautiful friendship. Now you have got a sexy MTB and I really envy it. You have hit 68kms already that is very impressive and I’m impressed. I wish we could go for one ride together on a hill top. I’m really looking forward to it. I will miss you once we stop talking.

You are the beat to my rap,my speaker ‘n my bike
If you sit on my lap or I’ll keep ya trapped in my heart.

* Always free for you.
* The Sir Sagz

FYI : The whole letter is in that letter lying next to the hot legs. Get a big ass magnifying glass to read it from there.

A nude a day keeps the mood so great

Warning : 20+ or whenever you achieve an open mentality,if neither,go do something worth or become a terrorist. The below article might hurt your mentality, your feelings,your mom’s feelings and your school,college, government and fucking yourself. Read at your own risk. The blog post is more dangerous than corona virus.

The secret information is password protected. Will open with one nude picture. The author is probably not kidding. Try sending one to under 69 only).

Clean your junk regularly.

Why do these fucking people send their ugly dick pics to chicks ? What’s the theorem they’re are trying to prove ? If it is standing, they just take a picture and send it to a bitch who is online. Pythagoras must be so mad at them. This can be the most asked question from women since they developed smart phones for stupid people. Some might know the answer and some might still be doing test studies and reasearch on them. Well the reason is same as why these fucking jobless kids posting weird face pics or pics in gay clothes on instagram. They want attention and popularity. Same as the dear boys who send their dick pics to those girls. Well who knows, maybe they can be selected for a presidential position according to their dick pics. You never know.

My point is keep moving. Don’t waste time. You will waste it anyway after your marriage,if you are going down that road. I have made a lot of friends from there. I even came close to thinking of getting married to one. I have friends for years now and one of them is a lawyer.😂. She could have Sued my toy, but she wanted to play with it. See, you never know.

Do good stuff in life,you will get many naughty bitches.

One thing you gotta know,if you get a positive and genuine reply on your message of your toy, you will probably be the lucky winner of the day. That might make you think about your whole decision making process. If she really likes it, she could be a real fun of the day or a few more days. Maybe even for a year and more. Think of it this way, you try to befriend a bitch,you spend a lot of time on her to impress her and maybe you spend money on her. And all this pain-in-the-ass for what ? To get your toy inside her toy ? What are the chances she will like you for who you are ? What I have heard and seen, chicks dig GOOD looking bad boys. Are you any of them ? If not, why waste time nigga ? You get where I’m going ? Exactly. Send her your toy picture, if she likes it, she is yours otherwise you save your time and try it on another bitch.

The doc isn’t away, he is happy. Guess he got mangoes in return.

If she isn’t interested,unsend the picture and block her,try it with another bitch and work on improving your toy. Don’t be bothering her you ugly-son-of-a-wrong-dumb-fuck. Go to a gym or somewhere where you can get a good look,shape and size. One important thing in this kind of business is that, never ask for anything in return. Be a giver, don’t be a bothering-fuck-of-a-donald-duck. Now, who recieved your toy pic is a question for the legends. It could be another dick,chick or a chick with a dick.

Don’t embarrass yourself homey.

Yeah don’t follow my advice. It won’t work for you. You are not as charming as me. Be nice to her or him and waste your time like a gentleman. Also…..that’s it for today. Time to snap to someone.

Listen to the captain,Son.


Donate a nude here and save a life(females only)

A letter to my daughter

Dear xxx,

This is your father writing this letter for you. This is October,2019. My birthday is on 19th of this month. So wish your handsome dad a happy birthday. Hope you have already read the letter I wrote for your brother. Now you know why we will never meet. But if we meet, I have a set of advices for you. Things I wrote for your brother are applicable to you too.

It’s a real pain to be a female in this world. You will be facing a lot of unnecessary troubles in your life just because you are a girl and not all people are nice. If you are wondering if your dad is a nice guy, then I am not. I never disrespected any female though, except some of the bitches I loved. You should learn from other people’s mistakes because some mistake can cost you a lot. I’m gonna teach you how to be totally independent and happy on your own. People come in life with pain.

I really don’t like when people whisper things or bitch about someone. There is a difference between being rude and being clear. Say what you want, don’t hide your feelings, don’t be like another one of these women. You should start practising it early from your childhood. Saying whatever is bothering you will keep your heart light but you should not talk about it to everyone. People enjoy others’ pain. Do not follow them or anyone. Make your own way in your life. Never use make-up. You will always be beautiful to me and we do not give a Chinese cat’s ass how we look. You will save a lot of time. You can study a lot and score how much you want, I don’t care about your exam score. Just get enough to pass the test. Don’t study these horseshit things much rather spend your time on hobbies and things you will remember when you will get old. Get a good paying job and don’t work too hard there either. Always save time for yourself. Working hard isn’t gonna make you rich and rich isn’t gonna make you happy. Sneaking time for yourself may make you feel better at the end of the day. Don’t make a lot of friends. They will be the reason of your pain.

Money is the evil reason behind everything. It’s not hunger anymore. Learn to tame this bitch. Also there are a few more things females have been a slave of for a long time. Such as Clothes, jewelry and shoes. No idea why God would put such crowshit things in their brains. Men need to have some shining stone in order to ask them to marry them. What the ball-rubbing fuck is this ? Also what the wall-sucking fuck is jewelry ? To me it’s even worse than a rock. A rock will maintain it’s originality whereas these fake-fucking jewelry be worn out after 3 handjobs. So don’t waste time and money on these stupid things.

You can be gay or bisexual whatever you want. It’s your life, your call. Also don’t take a lot of pride if you become gay, you are still the same human being. I don’t know why these gay bitches think they have become Gods. Before you get a bf or gf, I would like to have a face to face interview with him or her. If they clear the interview, then only you can proceed further. There are a lot of mothrafocker who just want to fuck. Being a virgin while your friends are not, isn’t any fucking shame. These stupid fucks will be taking a lot of pride in getting a dick in their pussy and some other holes, I don’t know why. Don’t waste a lot of time on sex stuff. There are many alternatives of so. Wait for the right time.

Marriage is a very critical decision. I still don’t understand why people have to get married and then again get divorced. These fucking people just make everything complicated. I just want a beer at the end of the day and play some game. What the mother-cursing fuck is marriage ? It should be everyone’s responsibility to take of each other if they want the human kind to move further. Fuck someone, make a child, take care of the child. Simple as that. Anyway, make your decision wisely. Lot of fucking responsibilities will be honking at your face as you grow up and get fucking married.

Well I could give you a lot more advices, but I think you got the point. You can send this letter to you daughter in future. Take care. Love your handsome dad more.

With love,


The Sir Sagz

Why won’t they rape ?

Warning : The below article might hurt your mentality, your feelings,your mom’s feelings and your school,college, government and fucking yourself. Read at your own risk,Madarfaka. The author is not biased at all, doesn’t give a flying fuck to any kind of human being whether male or female, sexy or fat.

I was having lunch at 3pm in our office glass-wall cafeteria. I came late to work because the hard disk of my computer system blessed me with the opportunity not to work anymore. Genuine Thanks to the HDD for resting in peace. As I was chewing the unchewable butter chicken piece, I was looking outside the glass walls where some sexy ladies and some little elephants were walking around, giggling and fondling with big bulls. Each sexy lady was accompanied by a group of goats. Yes, they are the greatest of all time. Too sarcastic. Then I saw the news on Facebook that the Hyderabad police has encountered the rapists of Priyanka at 3.30 in the morning. Everyone was thanking the police. I was glad too. But as a robot, who doesn’t feel anything,I wanted to know the reason why do these people rape ? Wait, what type of people do rape ? Do females rape ? How do you spot a rapist ? Can hulk rape ? Are those rape videos on porn authentic ? Can you rape anyone ? Are the females the only one who get raped ? What about mental rape ? Males are raped too. Yes he is a fucking disgusting shit and you are a big-scooby-bitch. Mothfuckers are even touching kids. How fucking in the name of a mothercropper can someone do that ? Let’s find answers for once and all.

If you got a genital, you are capable of raping anyone. Yeah, an ant can rape a fucking elephant. I’m sexually very fucking active. If there was any award for watching the most varieties of porn, it would go to me. My friends would feel proud. Also I have at least 3 TB porn in my hard disk, collected since 2008. But I wouldn’t go and rape someone even if someone pays me a billion dollars. Not gonna rape someone even if she is a fucking bitch or a serial killer. It’s simply not in my nature. If someone is doing it, it’s in their nature. This nature can be moulded by reward or punishment. But the punishment system has not worked for long time. Again the reward system might not work as there are billions of people out there and who is gonna reward them for not raping anyone. People say rape is about taking control over someone. I think it’s a big bull. You will kill an innocent ant doing its job because you simply can and no one will raise a finger. You think you are superior to everyone. It’s true in some cases of rape.

The old generation people will say that the modern female people’s clothing style is the main reason of rape. They are not wrong. And this is why : During their time, kids were given moral lessons for life first. They were taught what’s right and what’s not. Now time has changed, we are studying for a motherfudging job rather than important lessons for life. Now the old people still think that the same tradition is being followed. So if a bitch is wearing ass-cheek-showing skirt and half-nipple-showing shirt, they are gonna blame the bitch for getting raped as she is the one who did wrong first. The bitch could be the most generous humble person in the whole universe. But someone’s clothing style is not an actual reason of rape. If it was, all those female would have been raped when everyone was walking around naked.

Education : Why the fuck are we studying ? And why the fuck are some people not studying ? The illiterate motherfuckers are the ones doing this heinous act ? I maybe wrong. I have seen the nicest people are the most illiterate. And I dont think human beings need to be taught not to rape. If so, you are not a fucking human being.

Pleasure : when the thoughts of pleasure override your judgement, you just stop thinking right and do the shit. This is why I don’t answer any call when I’m wanking. Even if it’s from my boss and it’s a critical issue at work. Once you get the opportunity to have that pleasure, you just don’t think if it’s right or wrong, what’s the outcome and what the fuck you are doing. On the other hand, I’m a total egoistic bitch, ain’t gonna touch your shitty fucking body.

Educated rape : otherwise called as marital rape. Raped by husband ? Wtf is that ? I remember when my ex wouldn’t wanna fuck with me just because one of her friends said some shit to her and bitch was upset. Yeah these bitches(irrespective of gender) get upset if they don’t have friends and even more upset when even a stranger says shit to them. This is just an absurd example. If women could get paid a dollar for a reason for not having sex, at least 99.99% of them would be billionaire. Whatever the fuck is, whoever the fuck is, if bitch(irrespective of gender) is not interested in getting fucked or fucking, don’t do that shit to them.

There are thousand different reason for fucking raping someone. I’m not saying only bitches get raped, dicktards get raped too. Only a fucking coward will do that. Yes your boss is a fucking coward.Too horny ? Grab your dick and play balls with it or if you got a pussy, get a dog.

There is no way to stop rape. Fucking Kids should be taught about it. Don’t tell them not to watch porn. Encourage it rather. Teach them to be able to control their motherfudgy desire and put it in the right use. This is the worst advice I have ever given. Once the dick is hard, their ain’t no thinking straight.

On the sagz day, we had an interview with The real sir Sagz regarding this huge alarming issue and what he had to say was really simple. He said,“If everyone had access to sex, why would anyone go and rape someone ?” Then ugly bitches want to date good looking men. So the ugly men with no one to play with their dicks, stick them in someone’s flower without her permission. Well I’m just saying,solutions are simple whether it can be implemented or not that’s for the sex addicts to decide.

– The Sir Sagz

Anti-social lyrics

I don’t play the blame game,Only PUBG on Tencent
When they bug me,I shred ’em fucking faint ’em
like ben10,I’m so cocky,bitch I’m the next gen
Society,you can go die bitch,Imma maintain
The next men to fry shit like the end game
My lyrics can damange you more than ten trains
crashing you and leaving you with a dead Brain
Bitch you got a lame mane,think you’re a lion guess
You’ll die in the same lane you used to cry
Tech9 is a le-gend then yes I’m the Tech10
Never even a god can,break my strength gained
From pain and mayhem,my brain’s against sane
Get you neck sprains in yo daydreams,since eighteen
I stay clean from fake friends,I don’t shake hands
I break trends ‘n mainstream ‘n I’m trained like X-men
Still I work at a desk,again ‘n so high with self-esteem
If I’m James then,this lyrics is my Bond with 007
A raven from the heaven came with a message to save ’em
Now let me explain the picture I fucking painted
Scented with the fear of making you mentals Saint,ya

Went to school ‘n I met some fools ‘n I made a crew
Got gold,digger and jewels,but no figure nor boobs
It was all cool,we balled ‘n ruled,we the bigger dudes
Unable to hear a fucking bitch,we the giver in hoods
Unstoppable bulls unfuckable,stood,in the scene of feud
Mean or rude,got gene to loot,memes in books
Don’t give a,shit to who,fucking Peed or poo’ed,haha
Brothers forever we’ve,been a true,fam,no me or you
If one gets lost,we fucking chopping the woods
Five years later, education was,dropping the moods
We hopping to grooves and slurping the booze,huh
Years gone now them fucking sons of bitches too
Didn’t know I was a fucking rented tool,is just cruel
They meant to screw since then I tend to loon
just some fucking extra,water at the edge of pool
Think I let me messed up,fuckers got no time to move
When I asked for help,they can’t find the route,huh
Fucking backstabbing liars,now mind your foot
Landmines afoot,one mo’ step you be lying kaput
Nobody’s mine to prove,got no thang to lose

You can dream it ‘n pin it on a blackboard
Start early,clean it ‘n fulfill it with a crash course
Life is a harsh road,I’ve seen this,follow your master
He told my class whores,they suck damn hardcore,ha
Never had any interest in studying these barcodes
I’m far off,my teachers lied to me,got my ass choked
With this first job felt like I’m sitting on a gas stove
They didn’t teach me any real shit to deal with an ill life
Now I ask my score fuckin marksheet silent inside
Go bash the door,Where’s your smash ‘n roar
I try to pass my load,but I can’t I’m asked to hoard
The fuck my life has stored,I bought my heart a sore
Not possible,fucking walls now start to talk
Pain is ’bout to mock,call who,they all stuck with work
Fucking friends on a floor to dance with hoes
I’m texting a bot on my blog to answer more
Is there a God on the top,’fore I massacre
I’m trynna get a bitch to rob my pain but that’s a bore
Clowns on the go,nobody wants to stop
Still I’ve an ounce of hope,somebody will vouch to love.

I’m harmful to be with,but calm and cool is the trick
To cheat on this fucking bitch tryna pick up a mo’fucking freak
My ex-gf thought she did get a danceable lil dick
But I hit back hard and big, Teach this tard some shit
I was beyond her reach
Still I gave her my time,tick tick tick tick fuck this
The fuck did she save for my night,drink dog piss
You bitch your mom starts to think
I’m more of a son to her than you fucktard
are now who’s the snitch
You trying to camouflage in the game of rush kid
Still prying on my democlass,go suck yo crush dick
Call yourself an expert yo don’t know how to play a bit
In a fucking relationship,Can’t even last a week
I got delays on tips on how to kill ’em zombies
So I can’t pass the gate ‘n I ask my fate
And my last debate, Should I get a lass to date
And get me a catastrophe or just masturbate
coz I got my peace of mind at stake, it’s my mistake
Everytime I break my heart and get sick
I wreck my life and take trips to heal shit
So fuck this I better get peace and check chicks
And make some hate speech on Dre beats Got a lotta
do, life ain’t no mo’ empty So bitch you betta’ bend knees

Raat teen baje likha Baki Chaar din ke story
Jaise army ke goli,Meri boli
Jaise aandhi mein kohli
baandhi h doli,kabhi na kabhi toh ayegi woh bholi
Stans bhi Kare chori Mera lyrics ke chhan bin ho rhi
jaise India mein fir se Aya Muhammad Ghori
Sahmat hai gori,Diya mujhe thodi
Smile aur bhari mere dil ke katori,Baat badhi
Tute mere haath kadhi
Likha ek gana,Aur naam Mera padi
Shaam bhari rango mein,jaise life mein ayi Manjari
ango mein,chaddhi ankahi,Bhavna,raam nam
Samjho main,jitne bhi paath padhi thi aya,kaam na
bando mein,Bhai nahi,andho mein parchhayee nai
Unknown main,tanhayee yahin

Bangaya Diwana Tera,tu Mera ansh hi,jisko Jo bolna hai
bolo koun sahi,dheere dheere upar se niche gira jaise
main Bansal hi,jisko samjha tha Panchali nikli ek number
ki chhipkali,haha,Hath Khali Dil Mera kaat daali thehra
Raha saath toh sirf raat kali,saali Kali Denali Gaana khali sunali
aur muh se nikali sirf shaap aur gali
Daali gaane mein hasino ko ab main taali
Paise hi sab kuch h yahan,boli Meri kaam wali
tabse Gaana main sunta nahi,beat sirf unka
Maanta main tum ko nahi,geet mere guroor ka
Sutta main fukta nahi,reet mere khoon ka
Jhumka lene aya tha toh loot liya matunga,haha

Rap Ki shaan main diya isko jagah jaisa maa ki sthan h
Rap Kissan main khet mera wait kar raha baarish ka
Jackie chan main ladhne aya sath mere batista
Dil mera pakistan,Surgical strike kiya main aakhri baar
ab na chahiye koi mujhe,na ki gyaan
Sakal pe mera hanesha happy stamp
Akal se ghehra Ganesha jaisa,vyapee kaand Mera haathi kaan
Nakal mat karna beta lagega kaafi kaam
Jab do lines, li-kha tha,text kiya mujhe ek Akki fan
Bhardo rhymes Milkha sa,rach liya ab sab ki chaal
Koun khicha bageecha mein naag h
Naam uska Sagz h,yeh kaagaz mein raaz h
anti-social main,bantai log chal bhaag le
Paas na ayo kahin yeh kaat le..

Taki Stan’s Bhi Kare chori mera lyrics ka chhan bin ho rahi …..

– The Sir Sagz